The industrial park building was sold to the alloy manufacturer Electrode

2021-11-12 07:44:53 By : Ms. sabrina Liu

HOPEWELL TWP. — A local alloy manufacturing company recently purchased part of the Hopewell Industrial Park building for US$3.2 million and will open a store in the building. 

The Southwestern Pennsylvania Regional Industrial Development Corporation sold the 40,200-square-foot Beaver Manor building along Gringo Road to Electrode Industries Inc. The company will initially occupy part of the building, with existing tenants-NFF Avionics, Proceq and Office Depot-remaining in place.

“In the late 1980s, we designed and built Beaver Manor, which was one of the first buildings in the park,” said Timothy White, senior vice president of development at RIDC. "It is based on the norms and hopes to start activities on the spot."

Selectrode's new building is adjacent to another company-owned site in Hopewell Industrial Park currently operated by Beaver County Corporation for Economic Development.

"RIDC is the first tenant of Hopewell Industrial Park. Without their initial investment, I am not sure whether the park will be as successful as it is now," said Lew Villotti, president of Beaver County Economic Development Corporation. "We are very pleased that Electrode, one of our major manufacturers, continues to invest in the park and Beaver County."

According to its website, Electrode has been producing its own brand welding electrodes, accessories, brazing and other alloys for four years. The company is accepting a loan from the Pennsylvania Bureau of Industrial Development to cover some of the expenses.